
Webtreepro's Site Administration is primarily used to create child sites and edit site information, such as the site name and address. It also includes other settings for your parent and child sites, such as template and skin, dynamic content, and new user greeting message.

Opening the Site Administration

  1. Click on the Administration dropdown field on the Editor Panel, then select Sites.

  2. This will bring up the Site Administration.

Updating Parent Site Information

On the left-hand side of the Site Administration, you will see the "Current Sites" panel. This lists the name of your organization, with the names of all child sites listed below. On the right-hand side of the Site Administration, you will see the "Edit Organization" panel. Any changes made in this panel will apply to the parent site only. The child sites can be edited separately.

  1. Site Name: This is the name of your website. This name appears at the top center of the editor. It also appears at the top of the "List of Pages" in the collapsible panel on left-hand side of the editor. In the Site Administration, this name appears in the left panel, at the top of the list of "Current Sites."
  2. Domain: This is the URL of the website. You will notice that it is grayed out. This is because the parent site URL can't be changed by any Webtreepro users. If you need to change the URL of your website, please contact
  3. Group: A group is several sites that will automatically be given the same content. For example, if some of your content is different because of different geographic locations, you could set up groups based on location (west coast, east coast, etc.). To add a new group:
    • Click on the Edit Groups button. 
    • This will bring up the Edit Groups window.

    • Click the Add button. Your cursor will flash in the name box, meaning that the name field has become enabled.
    • Type in the name of the new group, then click the Save button. The new group name will appear in the left side panel, under the "Groups" list.
    • To remove a group, click on the group that you wish to remove, then click the Remove button.
    • To leave the groups window, click the Close button.
  4. Default Template and Default Skin: You will see the current default template and skin listed to the right of this field. Templates determine the placement of content panels within a page. Skins determine the overall design and color scheme of your page. The default template and skin are automatically applied to any new pages that are created on the site; however, you don't have to use the default on every page if you don't want to. You have the option of changing the template and skin for each page through Edit Page Settings. This is why it is useful to choose the most commonly used template and skin as the default. To change the default template and skin:
    • Click on the Template & Skin Selector button. 
    • This will pull up the following screen:

    • You will see a list of templates and a list of skins. Keep in mind that the available templates and skins varies greatly from site to site.
    • Select one template and one skin by clicking on the radio buttons, then click the Select button.
    • Your new selection will be listed to the right of the "Default Template" and Default Skin" fields.

  5. Options: If you check the "Use advanced permissions" box, you will be given the option to set advanced permissions, in addition to the basic permissions, while working in the Permissions Administration. If this box is left unchecked, then the option to set advanced permissions will be disabled. Click here to learn more about Permissions.
  6. Search Index: This determines which pages an external Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.) is allowed to search.
    • All Pages: A Search Engine can return results from all pages.
    • Public Pages: A Search Engine can return results from all pages, except those that are Excluded or those that require a Login.
    • Public + Excluded Pages: A Search Engine can return results from all pages, including the Excluded pages, but not pages that require a login.
    • Public + Privileged Pages: A Search Engine can return results from all pages that are not Excluded, and also pages that require a Login.
  7. Dynamic Content: Webtreepro creates some standard dynamic fields, based off of the information that is entered into the Site Administration.  Dynamic fields can be added into content to automatically insert predetermined information. This is useful when pushing content to multiple child sites with different information. For example, say each child site has a different contact phone number, and you want to add a paragraph of text with contact information that is pushed down to all child sites. You can insert a dynamic field for the phone number and this information will automatically populate on each site with the information that is entered for the phone number field in the Site Administration. You also have the option of creating custom dynamic fields. To create a new field:
    • Click the Set Dynamic Content button. 
    • You will see a list of all the standard dynamic field names, and the values saved for them. The information in the "Value" field varies from site to site, including child sites.

    • Enter in a name for your new field at the bottom of the "Field Name" column, in the blank space.
    • Enter in a value for your new field at the bottom of the "Value" column, in the blank space.
    • Click the green checkbox to the right to save this new field.
    • Once added, a red "x" will appear next to the newly added text, and a new blank field will be added below. Click the red "x" if you wish to delete the field.

    • Add as many new fields as desired, then click the Save button.
  8. Email Greeting Message: This is the email message that is automatically sent to any new users that are created. If you need to edit this message:
    • Click the Set Greeting Message button. 
    • This will pull up the Edit Greeting Message screen, as seen below:

    • Make the desired changes (the text you see inside the brackets is automatically generated with the information about your website).
    • Click the Save button to save your changes, or the Cancel button to discard your changes and exit the screen.
  9. Location: On the right side of the Site Administration screen, is the Location panel, where you can enter the address and contact information for your website.
  10. When you've finished entering all the desired information in the Site Administration, do one of the following:
    • Click Apply to save changes and remain in the Site Administration screen. You will see a message saying that your site was modified successfully.
    • Click Done to save changes and exit the screen.
    • Click Cancel to abandon any changes and exit the screen.

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