Add a Hyperlink

Note: If you are working on a document outside of Webtreepro (such as Word, or PDF) and you need to add a link to a file in the library, follow the steps below to get the hyperlink URL. Do not copy the file URL from your browser, as it uses a different format which will not work.

  • Open the library
  • Right click on the file and select Show URL
  • Copy the URL then click OK
  • Paste that URL into your document

Hyperlinks may be added to text and images. Follow the steps below to add a hyperlink:

  1. Select some text, or click on an image. Then click the link icon.  

  2. Use the dropdown to select the type of link:
    • External URL - Takes you to a page on a different website.
    • Email Address - Takes you to an email address.
    • Page - Takes you to a page within the current website.
    • Link to Bookmark - Takes you to a previously created bookmark on the current page.
    • File - Takes you to a file.
    • Inline Popup - When link is clicked, a popup box opens while remaining on the current page.

External URL

  1. Type: Select "External URL."
  2. External URL: Enter the page you want to link to. You may use the button to the right of this field if you need to add dynamic content into your link.
  3. Rollover Label: This is the text that will appear when a user hovers over the link.
  4. Target: Choose Same Window, New Window, or Popup.
    • Same Window: When a user clicks on the link, it will open in the current window.
    • New Window: When a user click on the link, it will open the page in a new window or tab.
    • Popup: When a user clicks on the link, it will open the page in a popup window that opens over the current page, and you can set the size of this window.
      • Title: Enter the title that will show at the top of the popup window.
      • Width: Enter the desired width of the window (use the dropdown arrow to choose pixels or percent).
      • Height: Enter the desired Height of the window (use the dropdown arrow to choose pixels or percent).
      • Show Close Button: Check this box if you want to add a close button to the popup window.
  5. Designate link as nonfollow: Click the box to tell search engines not to follow this link, and to avoid it being used in page rankings.

Email Address

  1. Type: Select "Email address."
  2. External URL: Enter the email address you want to link to. You may use the button to the right of this field if you need to add dynamic content into your link.
  3. Rollover Label: This is the text that will appear when a user hovers over the link.
  4. Designate link as nonfollow: Click the box to tell search engines not to follow this link, and to avoid it being used in page rankings.


  1. Type: Select "Page."
  2. Choose a page: Use the dropdown arrow to select one of the pages on your site.
  3. Rollover Label: This is the text that will appear when a user hovers over the link.
  4. Target: Choose Same Window, New Window, or Popup.
    • Same Window: When a user clicks on the link, it will open in the current window.
    • New Window: When a user click on the link, it will open the page in a new window or tab.
    • Popup: When a user clicks on the link, it will open the page in a popup window that opens over the current page, and you can set the size of this window.
      • Title: Enter the title that will show at the top of the popup window.
      • Width: Enter the desired width of the window (use the dropdown arrow to choose pixels or percent).
      • Height: Enter the desired Height of the window (use the dropdown arrow to choose pixels or percent).
      • Show Close Button: Check this box if you want to add a close button to the popup window.
  5. Designate link as nonfollow: Click the box to tell search engines not to follow this link, and to avoid it being used in page rankings.

Link to Bookmark

Linking to a bookmark allows you to create a link to a specific point within the current page. Before creating the link to a bookmark, you need to create the actual bookmark. Click here to learn how to create a bookmark.

  1. Type: Select "Link to Bookmark."
  2. Choose a bookmark: Use the dropdown arrow to choose a previously created bookmark from the list.
  3. Rollover Label: This is the text that will appear when a user hovers over the link.
  4. Designate link as nonfollow: Click the box to tell search engines not to follow this link, and to avoid it being used in page rankings.


  1. Type: Select "File."
  2. File: Click the Library button to bring up the Library. Navigate to the folder containing the file you would like to upload, or upload a new file. Double click on the file to select it and close out the library.
  3. Rollover Label: This is the text that will appear when a user hovers over the link.
  4. Designate link as nonfollow: Click the box to tell search engines not to follow this link, and to avoid it being used in page rankings.

Inline Popup


  1. Type: Select "Inline Popup."
  2. Source:
    • Editor: Select this option if you would like to type your content directly into the content field below. This option is best for simple unformatted text.
      • Content: Type in the content that you would like to appear in the popup box.
    • WTP Page: Select this option if you would like the popup box to pull the content from another page on your website. This option is best if formatted text is needed.
      • Height: Enter a value for the height of the popup box.
      • Choose a page: Use the dropdown list to choose the page that your popup box will pull content from (it is recommended to use a page with a blank template).
  3. Size: Choose the desired size of your popup box.
  4. Rollover label: This is the text that will appear when a user hovers over the link.
  5. Designate link as nonfollow: Click the box to tell search engines not to follow this link, and to avoid it being used in page rankings.

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