
Articles are the most common form of Content. You can think of them as being a container for holding text, images, hyperlinks, HTML/JS snippets, and more.

Editing Toolbar

Below is the Editing Toolbar that appears for articles. Click on any article to access this toolbar.

The chart below shows the function of all the icons:


Additional Tools

Right click inside of an article to access additional tools.

  • Paste: This allows you to paste content that you have copied to your clipboard.
  • Dynamic fields: Use this to automatically populate content from .
  • Retrieve Article: Use this to retrieve an article that has previously been stored in the library.
  • Store Article: This allows you to store your article in the library for easy retrieval later.
  • Download Article: This allows you to download the article to your computer.



Avoid copying, and then, pasting content from external sources into your webpages. This can introduce hidden formatting into your article that may cause issues when formatting text.

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