
Once your site has been created, any number of users can be added. They will need to be given roles. A role is a set of permissions that tells what the user is allowed to do both on or with a site. Roles may include the permission to create other users. This way, others can add new users to the system.

Opening the User Administration

  1. Click on the Administration dropdown arrow on the left-hand side of your screen. Then select Users.

  2. This will bring up the Users Administration.

Adding a new User

  1. Click the Add a new User button. 
  2. This will enable all the fields in the right panel.

  3. User Information:
    • Fill in all the fields with information about the new user.
  4. Password Recovery Information:
    • Enter a secret question and answer for the new user. The new user will be given the opportunity to change this, along with their password, the first time they log in.
  5. User Roles:
    • Select a role, or roles, for the user. Each role has a pre-defined set of permissions.
    • Click here to learn more about roles. Click here to learn more about permissions.
  6. When complete, do one of the following:
    • Click Apply to save changes and remain in the User Administration screen. You will see a message saying that your user was saved.
    • Click Done to save the new user and exit the screen.
    • Click Cancel to exit the screen without saving the new user.

Search for an Existing User

You may use the Filter button to search for a user. You can filter by child sites, or by users.

  1. To filter by child sites:
    • Begin typing the child site name into the "Child Site" field.
    • A list of child sites will populate as you type.
    • Click on a child site. You will see a list of all the users for that child site.

  2. To search for a user of the parent site:
    • Type a part of either the User Name, First Name, or Last Name of the user into the "Filter Users" field.
    • Click the Filter button. It will bring up a list of users.

  3. Please note that only 10 users will display at a time. You may use the arrows and numbers, as seen below, to navigate through your list of users. 

Edit an Existing User

  1. In the list of users in the left panel, click on the user you need to edit.
  2. The information stored for that user will populate in the fields in the right panel.
  3. Make the desired changes, then click Apply.
    • The username cannot be edited.

Delete a User

  1. In the left panel in the list of users, click on the user you need to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.

  3. A warning box will pop up. Click OK.
  4. You will see a confirmation message saying that the user was deleted successfully.

Reset a User's Password

There are two ways to reset a user's password. One is by using the Reset Password button to automatically generate a new password that is emailed to the user. The second option is to manually enter a new password for a user by editing the user information.

  1. Reset Password Button:
    • In the left panel in the list of users, click on the user. The information stored for that user will populate in the right panel.
    • Click on the Reset Password button.
    • The system will automatically apply a new password and email it to the email address listed in the "Email" field.
  2. Manually Enter New Password:
    • In the left panel in the list of users, click on the user. The information stored for that user will populate in the right panel.
    • Enter a new password into the "Password" field, then enter it again into the "Confirm Password" field.
      • DO NOT click the Reset Password button.
    • Click the Apply button to save the new password.

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