Webtreepro Dashboard

This tool allows you to enable and manage SSL Certificate(s) for your website(s) and provides you with a historical view of your actions as it pertains to SSL. Log into the Webtreepro Dashboard using super admin credentials for your website at dashboard.webtreepro.com


This shows the name of your site (parent site) and any child sites. Clicking on a listed site will take you to the website and automatically logs you in to it. The benefit of this tool is that avoids you having to hunt for the URL and enter login credentials in order to access the site.



If you are using the WebtreePro Site Search content type, this section will show a usage history.


SSL Certificates

Allows you to create SSL certificates and enable/disable SSL.


SSL Administration

This lists all of your sites, their URLs, SSL status, Certificate status and what options are available to you. NOTE: For sites already using the traditional SSL method (you purchase and provide us with the SSL certificate, we install on our servers then enable SSL via our database), do not be alarmed that the status shows missing for most of your sites. 

The information below shows your possible actions and what the various statuses mean. Once SSL is enabled, you can toggle the SSL status back and forth using the Enabled/Disabled button. 

  1. Create
  • Pending: process failed or waiting to create cert
  • Pending install: process created cert, failed or waiting to install on server
  1. Renew Created Certificate
  • Pending renewal: process failed or waiting to renew certificate
  • Pending install: process renewed certificate but failed or waiting to install on server
  1. Actions per Current Status
  • Renew : status is OK or Pending
  • Create : status is Missing or Pending
  • Install : status is Pending install


Audit Trail

This tracks any actions taken in regard to the SSL feature via the Dashboard.

For both sections, you have a Search option and Page options to see additional screens of data.

Important Notes

  • You can continue to use your own external SSL certificates. However, at any time prior to the certificate expiring, you can switch over to using the Dashboard tool, so the sites continue to remain Secure.
  • There is a weekly limit of approximately 50 certificates created per domain so splitting into multiple batches might be better than trying to do all of them at once on their specific expiration dates. Example: sample1.example.com; sample2.example.com, parent.example.com. If the limit is reached, the sites will stay in a queue until the weekly limit resets.
  • While sites are in the creation queue, the system will attempt to create/renew the certificate once per day for up to 14 days. If the maximum retry count it reached, the request will be removed from the active queue.
  • Typical reasons for the certificate creation failing are usually related to the domain's DNS settings, such as not configured correctly to point to WTP servers.
  • SSL Certificates will attempt to accommodate both the www and non-www version of a domain.

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